
Colombo Sergio



He was born in Carugo (Co) on 9 April 1951 and lives and works here. In mature age he attended the Cabiate art school, perfecting the techniques of pencil, oil painting and engraving. He was born as a landscape painter, creating a painting of memory in memory of the corners of the Lombard Brianza of his youth.

After this first phase, it further refines the technique and theme, adding to the landscape figures of rare and vigorous expressiveness, both of sacred and profane subject. This allows him to further broaden his inspirational horizons and his possibilities for linguistic and content improvement.

He takes part in various exhibition events, including the most recent: “Arte Lisbon” Vasco da Gama Award “, Lisbon, May 2019; Art Prague, AR.CO, Prague, January 2019 “Art Salerno” at Palazzo Fruscione and the staff at the church of SS. Addolorata, in Salerno, in December 2018; “Arte Milano – The Factory” “at the Fabbrica del Vapore, in Milan, in October 2018; “Biennale del Tirreno” in Cava de Tirreni (Sa) in June 2018.



Are you interested in buying one of the artist’s works? Contact us immediately by writing to opere@princegroupsrl.com

Criticism and Reviews:

“He was born as a landscape painter, creating a painting of memory in memory of the corners of Brianza Lombarda of his youth … After an initial impressionist landscape, made of great delicacy and refined poetry, he further deepened technique and themes alongside the landscape also figures of rare and vigorous expressiveness, both of a sacred subject and of a profane subject, all of which have enabled the artist to broaden his inspirational horizons and his possibilities of formal and content development further … “(Silvano Valentini – critic of ‘art)


  • “Arte Italia”, Athens December 2019;
  • “Arte Firenze”, Florence November 2019;
  • Personal exhibition “Arte sui Navigli”, Milan, July 2019;
  • Lisbon Art – “Vasco da Gama Award” – Lisbon, May 2019;
  • Arte Praga – AR.CO – Prague, January 2019;
  • Art Salerno – at Palazzo Fruscione and the staff at the Chiesa SS. Addolorata – Salerno, December 2018;
  • Arte Milano – The Factory – Fabbrica del Vapore – Milan 2018;
  • Biennale del Tirreno – Cava de ’Tirreni June 2018;
  • Art Salerno – Salerno 2017;
  • Palladio Award – Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) 2017;
  • Arte Paris – Paris 2017;
  • Art Florence – Florence 2016;
  • Imago Misericordiae – Rome 2016;
  • Caput Mundi – Rome 2016;
  • L’isola che c’è – Palermo 2015;
  • National exhibition of author’s paintings – Venice 2015;
  • Personal “Natura e colore” – Cantù (Co) 2013
  • Personal “Emozioni” – Inverogo (Co) 2011

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