
Who we are

Leader in the art market

We are revolutionizing the Art Market and our services are suitable for YOU!

The Prince Group Srl is a service company that operates in the fields of art, music, entertainment and culture in general. Thanks to a strong experience, gained over the years, in the field of art investments and event organization, the Prince Group through its many partners and collaborations aims to achieve an ever more articulated and complete enhancement and promotion of the various artistic products -culturali.

Depending on the different sectors, the activities of the Prince Group therefore range from publishing (information – entertainment on the art; printing, distribution and sale of editorial, musical, cultural products, etc. …) to selling auction, sale and representation of art objects, etc …) to advertising (realization and promotion of events, exhibitions, personal artists, discovery and enhancement of emerging artists; management of art galleries; etc …)

Art Gallery
Auction bids
Artists Promotion

Prince Group

We bring YOUR "Art" to success!

We connect the points and create opportunities

The Prince Group has decades of experience and collaborations with experts in the art sector both nationally and internationally and offers a wide range of services to suit all needs.

The heart of the Prince Group

Passion, experience and professionalism at your service


Armando Principe


Veronica Nicoli

Art Curator

We work with:

Art critics:
Achille Bonito Oliva
Vittorio Sgarbi
Philippe Daverio
Jean Blanchaert
Giorgio Grasso
Barbara Tosi
Matteo Bellenghi
Luca Beatrice

Auction Houses:
Art Code Casa d’Aste

Other collaborations:
Biennale Venezia
Triennale Milano
Quadriennale Roma
Biennale del Libro d’Artista
I Dioscuri del Quirinale
Segreteria Vaticana
Amnesty International
Green Peace
Senato della Repubblica
Camera dei Deputati
Istituti di Credito
Regioni e Comuni
Musei Nazionali e Internazionali
Fiere Nazionali e Internazionali dell’arte contemporanea
Istituto Diplomatici Internazionali I.D.I.
Istituto Cristoforo Colombo
Ambasciate e Consolati
American Diplomatic Mission For Of International European
Concil H.U.A.
Istituti di Cultura Italiana nel mondo
Società Filellenica Italiana
Società Dante Alighieri